
ai 人妖 The Earth Language Basis 39

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ai 人妖 The Earth Language Basis 39

痴迷系列 39 The shape is the combination of two symmetrical arcs, symbolizing a sensitively movable shape. Both edges touch at the middle high positions of the left and the right side of the frame. (目や口のアウトラインを念念わせ、また、明锐に反応する感じをもつ、横向きの紡錘形) . . . . ( If you don't understand how to read this page, see here first )

the hand-shape-sign: making the base shape with the index and middle fingers, extended from a fist (中指と东说念主差し指で記号を象る) the hand-movement-sign: draw the base shape with the other signed handai 人妖, stopping to move a moment at the both edge (円と区別しやすいよう両端で動きを一時罢手) name: [pi] pi sound of pick ( ピ ) ASCII: p (the same phonetic function)

phonetic value: [ p ] (voiceless bilabial plosive)

definition {single): sense, feeling (感覚)


vi. feel (感じる) vt. make (someone) feel (感じさせる)

main images in base overlays:

1) Related to sense and sensitivity (感覚・感受性にかかわって) 2) Related to various emotions and feelings (いろんな情愫) 3) Relating to Taste (舌の形と組んで「味」にかかわって) 4) Related to ear/listening (耳の形と組んで「耳・聴」にかかわって) 5) Related to the sense of smell (鼻の形との組み合わせで「匂い」にかかわって) 6) Related to the sense of touch (触覚にかかわって) 7) Related to eye/sight (目に関係) 8) By the compounded shape, related to mouth (「口」の象形) 9) By the compounded shape, related to fish (魚の象形) 10) For other picture-like characters (その他の象形翰墨)

examples of base overlay:

Related to sense and sensitivity (感覚・感受性にかかわって) {01(point),39}: point of any kind of sense (感覚点) {15(recognition),39(feeling)}: perception (知覚) notice (v. with gd) (動詞符とともで:気づく) `p;j ``pGj `{15,39}, 55 request}: call (for someone's attention) (呼びかけ) {07(much),39} sharp(ly), keen (鋭敏) {08(less),39}: dull (for the sense) (鈍感) {39,63(restrained)}: soothed (落ち着く状態) {39,64(violent}: shocking, shocked (感覚に衝撃的・刺激) {38(human made thing), 39}: artificial sensor (东说念主工のセンサー) {40(balance),39}: the sense of equilibrium (均衡感覚) `PZp `: dizzy, feel dizzy (vi. with gd) (めまい) {39,44(opened)}: awoken, awake (vi. with gd, vt. with ge) (醒) {05(denied),{39,44}(awaking)}: unawake {{03,05}(cut),39}: {feeling(39) of getting a cut on the surface}: sharp pain (傷つく痛さ) {{05,16}(cut down),39}}: a severe, an intense pain (断腸の痛み) {05(denied),39}: numbness, be paralyzed (vi. with gd) (まひ) {06(opposed)ai 人妖,39}: anesthesia (麻酔) {43(closed),39}:  a sleep, sleep (vi. with gd)(眠り) `pGj ` sleepy, be sleepy (gd-55)(眠い) `pGld `bed {sleeping place thing} {12(friction), ,39(feeling)}: irritate (いらいら) {{12,39},27(plural): annoying (うるさい) {41(movement),39}: the sense of movement/motion (運動感覚) {06(opposite),39,41(move)}: reflex action(反射運動) {39,45(relation),03(line)}: nerve (神経) {39,46(function, tool)}: the organ of sense (感覚器官) {67(life),39}: the sense of life/living (生命感) {39,49(quality)}: sensitivity (感受性) {39,49(quality),07(much)}: sensitive, susceptible (感受性が高い) {17(up),39,49}: elegance, grace (上品) {18(below),39,49}: vulgar (劣品) {65(human).39}: humane, humanly (东说念主間的) {70(space),39}: the sense of space (空間感) {{17(upward),70}(float).39}: the sense of floating (浮遊感) {70,41 move,39}: psychedelic (幻覚、幻覚的な) {09,39(sensor)15(recognition)}: (the matter recognized through sensors): image (イメージ)

Related to various emotions and feelings (いろんな情愫) *The three basic emotions {happy, anger, and fear} have each shortened form with but without . (3大情愫の喜び・怒り・おびえには、抜きでより単純な記号を当てています。) {39(sense),68(heart)}: emotion, feelings (情愫) {25(plus){39,68}}(the feeling which works subjectively to the 'plus' direction): fondness, like (v. with {gd,53}) (好き) {04(minus),(39,68}}: an antipathy, dislike(嫌い) {44(opened),(39,68}}: pleasant, merrily, enjoy or take pleasure (v. with gd), entertain (vt. with ge) (楽しい) {59(water, wet),{39,68}}: sentimental (オセンチな) {{59,39,34}tear,{39,68}}: sorrow, sad, be sad (vi. with gd), make (someone) feel sorrow (v. with ge) (悲しい) {57(question),{39,68}}(unclear what one feels): blank surprise, be stupefied (v. with #gd) (呆然) {64(violent),{39,68}}: a violent emotion, carry away by a stroke of passion (v. with #gd) (口头) {{01,64}(emphasized),{39,68}}: emphasize one's emotion (v. with gd) (情愫の強調) {{01,63}(restrained),{39,68}}: restrained emotion, or the situation, restrain one's emotion (v. with gd) (情愫制御) {{34,39}(eyes),17(up),68(heart)}: looking-up-heart: respect (n. and v. with gd) (尊敬) {{34,39}(eyes),18(down),68(heart)}: disdain, scorn, looking down on (v. with gd) (軽蔑、見下す) {14(getting through),{39,68}} (feelings getting through between): friendship (友情)

Relating to Taste(舌の形と組んで「味」にかかわって) {39(mouth shape),47(tongue shape)}: tongue (舌) `upc (the main function of the tongue): the sense of taste (n.) (味覚) {33(abstract symbol),{39,47}(tongue)}: taste (n.) (味) {{33,39,47},44(spread/pleasant)}: sweet, sweetness (甘み、甘い) {{33,39,47},42(wave/a part of 'ocean')}: salty, saltiness (塩からみ、塩からい) {{33,39,47},64(violent)}: hot spicy (辛み、辛い) {{33,39,47},20(out)}: bitter, bitterness (because you want to spit 'out' when you feel this strong taste) (苦み、にがい) {{33,39,47},17(up)}: sour, acid (Don't you feel your tongue go 'up' to touch to the ceiling of the mouth, when you taste acid?) (酸味、すっぱい) {{33,39,47},43(close/clung)}: astringent taste (you feel your tongue clung and shrunk, don't you?) (渋味、渋い) {{33,39,47},40(balanced)}: delicious for any kinds (おいしい) {{33,39,47},67(life/a part of animal)}: protein kind of taste (うまみ、うまい) {{33,39,47},18(down)}: no English word for this taste (Egui in Japanese): a kind of toxic taste like a green part of potato: it's not bitter, sour, hotter astringent, but perhaps your tongue wants to hang 'down' from your mouth.(えぐみ、えぐい) {{33,39,47},07(much)}: thick taste/tasteful (濃い味) {{33,39,47},08(less)}: thin taste/tasteless (薄味)

Related to ear/listening (耳の形と組んで「耳・聴」にかかわって)

{36(the shape of a human ear, also #36 means 'time', which is necessary for a sound),39(sense)}: ears, hear (v. with gd), is heard (with the passive gd), let someone hear (vt. with ge) (耳、聞く) `Cpc (the main function of hearing) : the sense of hearing (聴覚) {47accept,{36,39}ear}: hearing ('ears' catch), hear (v. with #gd), let (someone) hear (vt. with ge) (聞き取り) {36,39,09affair}: auditory thing (聴くこと) {ga, 21heading to}: listen to (with gd) (耳澄ます) * ga is needed to distinguish from "fish" : {15(recognition),{36,39}ear}: listening to reason, listen to (with gd) (聴きわけ) {{36,39},39 function}: auditory organ (聴覚器官) {{36,39}ear, {(36),42}sound,28sheet}: tympanic membrane (饱读膜) {{36,39}ear, 19in}: inner ear/the labyrinth (内耳) {{36,39}ear, 20out}: external ear/the auricle (外耳:外から見える耳) {{36,39}ear, 20,18under}: ear lobe/lobule (耳たぶ) {{36,39},50goods}: earphone {{36,39},46function,50goods}: aural aid (補聴器) {{36,39},58 available}: audible (聴き取れる) {{36,39},05not, 58}: inaudible (聴き取れない) {{36,39},25 adding, 50 goods}: earrings {{07,08},{36(ear shape),39(sense)}ear,46(function)}: (degree of) audition (聴力) {{36,39}(ear),46function, 08less}: defective hearing (難聴) {{36,39}(ear),46function, 05denied}: deaf (聾) {{36,39}(ear),{44,(39),68}(enjoy),09(event)}: concert (to listen to) (コンサート)

Related to the sense of smell(鼻の形との組み合わせで「匂い」にかかわって) {{31,66}(nose)39,}: the sense of smell, smell (v. with gd) (嗅覚、D動詞:匂いを感じる) {{31,39,66},15(recognition)}: sniff(ing) at (嗅ぎわけ)

Related to the sense of skin (皮膚感覚にかかわって) {28(surface),39}: the sense of skin (皮膚感覚) `Hpx `{{28,45}touch, 39}: thwe sense of touch (触覚) {laugh,39sense}} or {{15,33,44,66}{28(surface ,39(sense)}: ticklish (くすぐったい) {12,{28(surface),39(sense)}}: itchiness, itchy situation (かゆみ)

Related to eye/sight (目に関係) {34,39(sense)}(eye-shape): eye, see (v. with gd), look (with the passive gd), show (vt. with ge) (目) `poc (the function of eyes): sense of sight, vision (視覚) {{34,39},15(recognition)}: reading (recognition through eyes, read (v. with gd) (読) {{34,39},55(want)}: seek, search, look for (v. with gd) (捜す状態) {{34,39},21(heading)}: gaze (v. with gd) (見つめる ) `opw `{,`w indicate}: eye-sign such as wink `opx `{,`x contact}: eye contact `opU `{,`U cover}: eyelid (まぶた) `opgG ` {, G close, g open}: blink (まばたき) {{34,39},59(water)}: tear, weep (vi. with #gd) (涙、D動詞:泣く) {{34,39}(eye){02,14}(hair (by the shape)): eyelash (まつげ) (adding 17(above) on top of this character for 'eye-brow') (17をさらに重ねて「眉毛」) {{34,39}(eye){46(function),50(thing)}(tool)}: glasses/eye tool (メガネ) How about {{34,39}(ey ),40 balance),50 good)} for 'contact lenses' {{07,08}(degree),{34,39}(eye),46(function)}: (degree of) eyesight (視力) {38,{34,39}(eye)}: a camera, take a photograph (v. with gd: as the meaning the camera of the subject of the verb works), camera (カメラ、D動詞:撮る) {38,{34,39},31(shape)}: an artificial eye (only for looking) (義眼) {09,{34,39}(eyes),44(opened)}: a show mainly for visual enjoyment (ショウ) {{10,47}room},{34,39}(eye)}: window (窓) {{34,39}eye,10place}: locations to see/vista-point

By the compounded shape, related to mouth (形から「口」にかかわって)

{04,39}: {04,39}(human mouth shape): mouth (口) {04,39,48}: {48(cover) of mouth}: lips (唇) {04,24,39}: {24(hard) mouth}: beaks (くちばし) {{02,14}(hair),{04,39}(mouth),17(above)}: mustache (口の上の髭) {{02,14}(hair),{04,39}(mouth),18(under)}: beard (あごひげ) {{04,39},47}: {the mouth acceptance(47)}: action of eating, eat, bite (with gd) (食・口にする) {04,39,59(liquid)}: saliva (唾液) {04,28,39,45}: {mouth, touch{28,45}}: kiss {{04,39}mouth,42sound}: voice, making any kind of voice including speaking, crying, barking, mewing and singing (vi. with gd)(声・鳴) {voice, large}: loud voice; as the verb with : cry (from internal emotion) (高声、動詞形:内なる衝動から叫ぶ・吼える) {{04,39,42}(voice),20(out)}: utterance, utter (with gd) 発声 {{04,39,42}(voice),21(go/to)}: calling, call (v. with gd) making voice to particular someone {torso, 62back, {04,39} mouth} or : anus/vent (肛門)

By the compounded shape, related to fish (魚の象形) {21,31,36}: fish (as the fundamental character by the shape) (字の形から「魚」) {38,{21,36,39}(fish)}: aqua-cultured fish (養殖魚) {{02,14}(hair/straight lines),{21,36,39} fish}: fin (ひれ) {{21,36,39}(fish),53}: swimming, swim (vi. with gd)} (泳ぐ状態) {{21,36,39}(fish),58(hook shaped)}: fishing (釣り) {{21,36,39}(fish),65(person)}: fisherman (漁師)

For other picture-like characters (その他の象形翰墨の構成身分として)

{33,39}: globe, sphere (by the total shape) (球) {37,39}: dome (ドーム) {39,66}(like a picture, also with the meaning of sensor): tentacle, sense through tentacles (v. with gd) (触角) {38(human-made),{39,66}}: antenna (アンテナ)

. . . ai 人妖

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